Publisher: Highland Press
Date issued: July 2008
ISBN: 978-0981855004
Romance Anthology
Trade Paperback
Reviewed by Valerie
and given 4 hearts
I'm sure you've heard about some of those silly laws, right? Well, this anthology
shows us that sometimes those silly laws can bring just the right people together.
Buon Anno - Zoe Archer - In California you need to be careful how you clean your
car. At least this is what Marcus finds out after he catches Bianca writing on his car
with her lipstick. All a big misunderstanding, but, well the road to true love can be
dodgy at best.
This is a cute, sensual story that I really enjoyed. This author certainly knows how
to capture her readers and give them an entertaining tale with two well written
characters. This is an author I want to read again.
Purrfect Companion - Amber Dawn Bell - We are now in England, 1715 and
Angelique has been arrested because her cat Lancelot has had intimate relations
with a royal cat. The King decides to put her under the guard of Damien. But she
may be in even more danger.
Oh, this was a very exciting story. Amber Dawn Bell gives her readers a heroine
who can talk to animals and has preternatural powers and Damien is a yummy,
scrummy vampire. This is a dark story, sensual and seductive and I liked this one
the best.
Ice Capade - Candace Gold - In Wyoming it is unlawful to have sex in a walk-in
freezer as Jake and MaryAnn find out while hiding from some unsavoury characters
and needing to get warm.
This is a heart warming story about two very ordinary people. Candace Gold writes
a great story that certainly warmed my heart and gives her readers hope for the
most desperate case.
Street Manners - Patty Howell - Lisa didn't know it was against the law to ride her
bike in skimpy clothes until she is pulled over by a cop one day. But the cop has an
ulterior motive.
I liked this story. It was cute, sassy and funny. Patty Howell gives her readers great
characters and a great story too. I'm sure you will enjoy this one.
That's A Croc - Kimberly Ivey - Eden's got a shop to clean up, a sheriff hitting on
her and a hunk of a contractor who has come to give her an estimate on the
damage. Then, the stupid sheriff arrests her for putting crocodiles in her bath.
This was a great story which I really enjoyed. I loved the characters. Loved the
interaction, wanted to hit the sheriff over the head and fell in love with the hero.
Kimberly Ivey has written a well-rounded story that you'll love.
Something Wild - Gerri Bowen - All males over the age of fourteen must practice
the longbow under the tutelage of the local clergy. But the law is being enforced
to force Madeline to marry. Then a man from her past shows up.
This is a sensual story set in historical England. I loved Madeline, woman who tries
to hide her wildness under a demure and gentle facade. The hero is just that, her
hero to save the day.
The Lawyer and the Amazon - Lee Roland - Tucker meets the woman of his dreams
handcuffed in a police station. She's caused harm to a fountain, and that's just
against the law.
Another great story in this stunning anthology. Lee Roland is a talented story teller
who entertains her readers with great characters and a good plot.
I can highly recommend this anthology. Each story is a gem and each author has
certainly given their readers value for money.
Reviews for No Law Against Love 2
We sat down and began to eat. The man could cook
and I was impressed. All the men I known in my life,
including my dad, only went into the kitchen to eat.
Cooking was alien. Only women and wusses cooked.
"Jake, this is delicious. This is the best pork chop
I've ever eaten."
He broke into a grin. You ought to see what else I
can do-"
"Shouldn't we wait for the third date?" I replied,
trying to repress a smile.
He began to laugh. "I was referring to my chicken
"Of course you were."
After breaking the ice, we talked about ourselves
and tried to learn as much as possible about each
other. I'd rather hear all about him, though. Not
having what you'd call a sterling childhood, I tried to
forget it ever existed, let alone discuss it. A
gambler who lost not only his job, my dad lost the
household savings and insurance as well. At her
wit's end, mom left him, forcing her to struggle to
keep a roof over our heads and food on the table.
Jake stayed until 11:30. We had such a good time, I
agreed to a real date for the following Saturday. I
went to bed wondering if he were the one man put
on this earth for me. From what I could see at this
point, he certainly met all the criteria.
an anthology